Where does the money come from? And how is it distributed?
Our scholarships come from donations by individuals and from fund raising events. Most of our scholarships that are being given to graduating seniors are paid in two installments (see below for instructions on how to request your installments).
What is expected of me if I receive a scholarship?
a. You must write and send a thank you note to the sponsor of the scholarship(s) you received. Please keep an additional copy for us (ESSF).
b. In order to receive your scholarship money, you must send us a copy of your thank you note(s) and proof of enrollment (which can be a bill or a schedule showing full time enrollment of at least 12 credits). These documents must be in our hands by August 31st, otherwise your scholarship money will be given to an alternate recipient.
c. The second half of your scholarship will be paid to you when you send a report card from your fall semester with a “C” or better average and a copy of your fall schedule for the second semester. These documents must be in our hands by January 31st, otherwise your money will be given to an alternate recipient.
Of note: Some scholarships are paid in total in the second semester. Follow the procedure for the second half but also include the copy of your thank you note.
Where should I send my documents?
All correspondence is to be sent to: ESSF at PO Box 114, Elcho, WI 54428
Please DO NOT send your paperwork to the Elcho School, guidance office, or ESSF members.
What happens if I don’t stay in school during a semester that I have received a scholarship for?
Due to the fact that scholarships are given from monies that someone has donated in order to help someone in their pursuit of further education, and in accordance with papers that you and your parents have signed when you applied for the scholarship, if you do not complete a semester you must return the money to the ESSF at PO Box 114, Elcho, WI 54428. In this way, individuals who donate money for a scholarship are assured that their donation is used to help a student stay in college.